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Affordable Housing Prototypes, Sites One and Two

Affordable Housing Prototype, Site One • Prepared for a Wasatch County Affordable Housing Program in Salt Lake City, Utah, the single family house employed similar strategies as Affordable Housing_Site One. Designed for multiple sites, the design manipulated the solidity of masonry and transparency of glass to create site hierarchy and well lighted interior zones of privacy for these mostly narrow infill lots.

Affordable Housing Prototype, Site Two • A low cost single family housing prototype for pilot construction program sponsored by New Jersey Institute of Technology and the New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs. Developer/Architect teams combined to produce high design quality, low cost housing prototypes that would satisfy contractor profit goals, thereby being attractive for private development statewide. The design utilized masonry construction to exploit the material’s ability to provide insulation and interior/exterior finish with one trade using one material. While the material cost is somewhat higher than standard frame construction, the overall system cost fit within the contractor’s business plan and permitted the contractor, with skilled masonry teams, to easily maintain quality control. This became an important criteria, with development opportunities expected to be dispersed at multiple sites throughout New Jersey.


• Salt Lake City, Utah
• Affordable Housing Prototype, Site One